University of Ottawa Acceptance Rate

The University of Ottawa’s acceptance rate is approximately 42%. Each year approximately 70,000 students apply for 9,000 spots in undergraduate programs at the University. However, approximately 3x the number of applicants are given an acceptance to the university since many high school students apply to more than one university.

The acceptance rate for various programs a student is looking to apply to will vary greatly. This post covers a full breakdown of why the acceptance rates for Canadian universities are so high, programs with notably low acceptance rates, and comparisons with various other universities in North America.

Comparing University of Ottawa Acceptance Rates to Canadian Schools:

The University of Ottawa has a relatively low acceptance rate compared to other universities in Canada. This data is fairly consistent among all Canadian institutions, with the average Canadian University acceptance rate being 45-55%.

Chart of Biggest Canadian Universities and Their Acceptance Rates

University of Ottawa Acceptance Rate

Full List of Canadian Universities and Their Acceptance Rates

American Ivy League University Acceptance Rates:

Brown University9.00%
Columbia University6.00%
Cornell University14.10%
Dartmouth College10.50%
Harvard University5.20%
Princeton University6.50%
University of Pennsylvania9.40%
Yale University6.30%

The difference in the acceptance rates between Canadian universities and American schools is huge. The average rate for top-tier universities across Canada is approximately 5x higher than their counterparts down south!

Why is the University of Ottawa’s Acceptance Rate so High?

We believe there are two main reasons why the University of Ottawa’s Acceptance rate is so high compared to its American counterparts. 

Firstly, applicants are usually able to determine if they will be accepted to the Canadian University before they apply. Most programs in Canada only have two requirements, prerequisites courses and minimum grade requirements. Usually, supplementary applications are not required, which means applicants are usually able to determine if they will be accepted to the undergraduate program before they apply. Applicants who do not meet these requirements will likely not apply.

Secondly, American Universities tend to place high prestige on the institutions themselves. In Canada, emphasis is placed more so on the program that one applies to within each respective University. There are some extremely hard undergraduate programs to get into in Canada. For example, engineering programs at the University of Waterloo, the health science program at McMaster, and the Ivey HBA business program at Western are known for having extremely low acceptance rates, which are comparable to Ivy League Universities.

In general, in Canada, a University degree is a University degree, regardless of which Canadian institution you get it from. Employers typically treat all degrees equally among all accredited Canadian Universities. For example, if you obtain an undergraduate life science degree, it doesn’t particularly matter from which Canadian institution you received it from as long as it is accredited. However, there are some extremely difficult undergraduate programs to get into Canada that many students strive to be accepted into.

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