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Biology Practice Test #10

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This nucleic acid carries genetic information to the site of translation.

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A test cross with an organism with a homozygous recessive genotype results in 50% of the offspring exhibiting the recessive trait. What is the genotype of the test-cross parent? I. Homozygous recessive II. Homozygous dominant III. Heterozygous

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Which of these is an example of polygenic inheritance?

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Which organism is the LEAST closely related to the others?

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Which of these produces a three-carbon sugar from carbon dioxide?

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The location on an enzyme where a substrate binds is called the

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Which answer choice matches the functions listed below to the correct RNA types? I. Interprets a codon as an amino acid II. Binds to a gene transcript III. Contains information for assembling a protein

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The net primary production (NPP) of a stable lake ecosystem is roughly equal to the amount of

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Which pair of organisms is likely to engage in interspecific resource competition?

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All of the following can be considered decomposers EXCEPT

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Which statement describes one difference between hormones and neurotransmitters?

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How can a water molecule BEST be described? I. It is nonpolar. II. It has an equal electron distribution. III. It is able to form hydrogen bonds.

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Mammals and sharks produce a compound called urea. What is the function of urea?

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A tapeworm in the intestine of a human

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Which of these is/are responsible for an increase in the thickness of a plant? I. Apical meristem II. Vascular cambium III. Cork cambium

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If the allele for dark-colored hair is dominant over the allele for light-colored hair, which is LEAST likely?

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What are the three structural components of a nucleotide?

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The role of decomposers in the nitrogen cycle is to

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Which precedes an action potential traveling down the axon of a neuron?

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A sample of DNA is sequenced and is found to consist of 32% guanine. Which conclusion can be drawn about the composition of the DNA sample?

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In which plants is the haploid gametophyte generation dominant? I. Angiosperms II. Gymnosperms III. Horsetails, ferns, club mosses (lycophytes and pterophytes) IV. True mosses, liverworts, and hornworts (bryophtyes)

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In meiosis, crossing over takes longer than any other process. Which stage of meiosis is most likely the longest?

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Layer that restricts evaporation in humans

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Which of these features are found in the phylum that includes centipedes? I. Ventral nerve cord II. Segmented body III. Calcium- rich shell IV. Jointed limbs

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Which choice matches each description below to the correct stage of aerobic respiration? I. Produces most of the ATP II. Produces carbon dioxide (CO2) III. Uses oxygen (O2)

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Tissue that conducts sugars downward from the leaves

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What would happen to a blood cell moved from an isotonic solution to a hypertonic solution?

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Which of the following shows the proper order of blood flow through the heart, entering from the vena cava?

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This organ secretes a hormone that causes the liver to break down glycogen.

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Myriophyllum spicatum, or water milfoil, native to Eurasia, is an aggressive, invasive aquatic plant in North America. All of the following are reasons this species is successful as an invasive species EXCEPT

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A nerve leading to the small intestine causes the rate of digestion to increase. This nerve MOST LIKELY belongs to which of the following systems and divisions? I. Autonomic II. Sympathetic III. Peripheral IV. Enteric

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Which of these is a tetrapod that is NOT an amniote?

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Females with Turner's syndrome have a high incidence of hemophilia, a recessive, X-linked trait. Based on this information, it can be inferred that females with this condition

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Which of the following correctly lists the phylogenic hierarchy?

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How does the concept of inclusive fitness explain altruistic behavior in animals?

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Which DNA technique depends, in part, on a violation of Mendel's law of independent assortment?

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A community includes seven different populations with various degrees of interbreeding. Population 1 shares genes only with Population 2. Population 2 shares genes only with Population 1. Population 3 has no gene flow with other populations. Population 4 shares genes only with Population 5. Population 5 shares genes with Population 4, Population 6, and Population 7. Population 6 shares genes with Population 5 and Population 7. Population 7 shares genes with Population 5 and Population 6. Which population(s) is (are) most likely to evolve after a change in its environment?

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Which of these is/are responsible for an increase in the thickness of a plant? I. Apical meristem II. Vascular cambium III. Cork cambium

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Plants that inhabit warm, dry environments have evolved which of the following adaptations? I. Conversion of carbon dioxide to a four-carbon compound II. Stomata that remain closed throughout the night III. Photorespiration

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Translated to synthesize protein

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