Do you learn best through hands-on experience? Do you prefer to move around when learning new information? If so, then you are a Kinesthetic learner! Kinesthetic learners learn best through physical activity. This can include movement, touch, and feeling. In this blog post, we will discuss all about Kinesthetic learners! We will talk about the benefits and disadvantages of being a Kinesthetic learner, as well as strategies that can help you succeed in school or work.
What is a Kinesthetic Learner?
So, what exactly is a Kinesthetic Learner? A Kinesthetic learner is someone who learns best through physical activity. It was first described in a 1992 scientific study by Fleming and Mills.
Kinesthetic learners prefer to move around when learning new information. They might struggle with sitting still for long periods of time. Some examples of Kinesthetic learners include athletes, dancers, and mechanics.
As a Kinesthetic learner, you might find it helpful to take breaks often to move your body. You might also benefit from learning in a hands-on way. For example, if you are trying to learn about a new topic, you might prefer to read about it, then try it out yourself. Or, if you are trying to learn a new skill, you might prefer to watch a video or read about it, then practice it yourself.
Common traits of kinesthetic learners include:
- Prefer to move around when learning
- Learn best through hands-on experience
- Try new things and experiment
- Might struggle with sitting still for long periods of time
- Benefit from taking breaks often
- Enjoy physical activity and sports
- Tend to use their hands when talking
- Work with tools or instruments
Advantages of being a Kinesthetic Learner
There are many advantages to being a Kinesthetic learner! One advantage is that you are often very good at problem-solving. This is because you are able to use your hands to figure out how things work. You might also be good at working with your hands, which can be helpful in careers such as carpentry, mechanics, and nursing.
Additionally, Kinesthetic learners often excel in sports. This is because they are able to use their bodies to learn new movements quickly. Lastly, Kinesthetic learners are often very creative. This is because they are able to use their bodies to express themselves in new and unique ways.
Disadvantages of being a Kinesthetic Learner
There are also some disadvantages to being a Kinesthetic learner. One disadvantage is that you might struggle with school subjects that require you to sit still for long periods of time, such as math or science.
Additionally, you might find it difficult to learn new information if it is not presented in a hands-on way. For example, if you are trying to learn about a new topic, you might prefer to read about it, then try it out yourself.
Kinesthetic Learning Strategies
If you are a Kinesthetic learner, there are several strategies that can help you succeed in school or work.
- Get up and move around often to stay focused and energized
- Take breaks often to move your body and get fresh air
- Learn in a hands-on way, by trying new things and experimenting
- Use your hands when talking to communicate better
- Work with tools or instruments to use your hands and solve problems
- Find a creative outlet, such as painting, drawing, or sculpting, to express yourself in a unique way.
- Try studying standing up!
- Combine your studying with intermittent exercise
You can check out our full list of study habits here!
Kinesthetic Learning Strategies for Teachers
If you are a teacher, there are several strategies that you can use to help Kinesthetic learners in your classroom.
- Encourage students to get up and move around often
- Give breaks often so students can move their bodies and get fresh air
- Teach in a hands-on way, by having students try new things and experiment
- Encourage students to use their hands when talking to communicate better
- Have students work with tools or instruments to use their hands and solve problems
- Find a creative outlet, such as painting, drawing, or sculpting, to express yourself in a unique way.
By using these strategies, you can help Kinesthetic learners in your classroom succeed!
Other Learning Styles
In total there are three main learning styles that students will fall under. For a holistic view of all learning styles click here. Alternatively, if you’re interested in an in-depth analysis of any of the following learning styles, click the link below: